StorageX officially becomes AMD global data center partner


StorageX, as an enterprise centered on "data core computing" in the industry, integrates computing power and storage, and aims to solve the problem of "big" and "fast" data in the future, so as to meet the needs of computing storage, distributed AI, and near-data computing.


In November 2022, StorageX, as the technical base of "data core computing", officially became AMD's global partner, which is the first case of its cooperation in this field in China.

As an enterprise centered on "data core computing" in the industry, StorageX integrates computing power and storage, and aims to solve the problem of "big" and "fast" data in the future to meet the needs of computing storage, distributed AI, and near-data computing.

As the industry's leading chip company, AMD has a broad product portfolio, highly complementary market coverage and customers in many different fields.

StorageX and AMD have jointly seen three major trends that change the computing model: the data explosion, the dawn of AI, and the post-Moore's Law computing era; they firmly believe that the world needs flexible and adaptable accelerated computing to realize the intelligent interconnection of all things, global large-scale deployment, and dynamic computing. Rapid innovation is required.

StorageX has become AMD's "global partner". The two are two-way cooperation. The two parties can cooperate with each other to face global data center customers and realize next-generation data center innovation! The goal of StorageX is to realize the deployment of data layer and storage-side computing power architecture, achieve efficient storage-side computing and data acceleration applications, and provide more innovations for future "data-centric" computing solutions.

In the face of data-heavy scenarios, how to process a large amount of data in a short period of time is the core issue of common concern of AMD and Shencun Technology, as well as various data center manufacturers, industrial Internet, etc., which involves storage, computing, and transmission networks. Organic fusion. There are huge market opportunities to solve the demand for "big" and "fast" data, and data-centric computing has become a key solution. StorageX has a deep understanding of data center architecture, cross-domain applications, and multi-core heterogeneous computing and acceleration design. It can be optimized according to requirements and enter the data center and industrial Internet fields. This is the joint cooperation between AMD and Deep Memory Technology Base.

Yuan Jingfeng, the founder of StorageX, believes: "In the digital age, the pain point of many applications at present is the problem of exponential growth of data gravity caused by heavy data volume, high throughput, and low latency requirements. It forces us to redefine the relationship between computing and storage, realize computing power optimization and architectural innovation, and be compatible with the existing ecosystem, and quickly move to the market. This is why StorageX develops computing storage processors (CSP) and intelligent data lakes, and These scenarios are the basis and impetus for wide application."

In complex data center application scenarios, computing power infrastructure is no longer a problem of a single chip, but a very complex and systematic comprehensive problem. At this time, it is necessary to consider the balance between computing power and massive data, and move computing resources instead of data. to really solve the core problem. Diversified applications for data centers are an opportunity for AMD and StorageX to cooperate; at present, data centers and edge clouds have very clear requirements for data computing and acceleration, and they can be expanded to more application scenarios in the future. Through its own advantages, Shencun Technology solves the pain points in the background of separation of storage and computing, especially for data-heavy application scenarios, and designs a new architecture to reduce data transmission and network bandwidth requirements, reduce application delays, and reduce computing side pressure, thereby Make up for AMD's coverage in this field, and jointly face global customers.

StorageX plans to launch the first official mass-produced computing storage processor (CSP) and intelligent data lake products in the fourth quarter of 2022, which will systematically and deeply integrate powerful computing power and data acceleration, and position itself for data centers, The product line of the digital factory involves application scenarios such as cloud services, video streaming services, industrial Internet, and digital factories. At the same time, the company has expanded important partners in the fields of intelligent manufacturing and digital production lines, and will then enter the specific stage of cooperation and delivery.